♪ Pa-pum ♪
There's someone here who can get the seed for us.
Kim'dael, the Bloodmoon Huntress.
If you kill me now, you'll never know where the sun seed is.
Finnegrin has something he shouldn't.
And we're going to steal it.
They're baby glow toads!
That's Sea Legs. Finnegrin's ship.
He's coming for us.
Sea Legs has legs. It's a giant hermit crab!
Take 'em to the brig.
Keep the boy separate. I've got special use for this one.
♪ Woe to the man ♪
♪ The dark-eyed sailor ♪
♪ Ship's adrift And the sea's his jailor ♪
♪ Drag him down Down, down, down ♪
♪ Down in the wicked depths below ♪
♪ Woe to the man The dark-eyed sailor ♪
♪ Ship's adrift and the sea's his jailor ♪
♪ Drag him down Down, down, down ♪
♪ Down in the wicked depths below ♪
♪ Lost at sea, the sailor cried ♪
♪ I will not die ♪
♪ The sea shall bow to me ♪
Tell me where my friends are.
Your friends won't be springing to your rescue.
One of them's already gone.
Traded me something I wanted, and now she's free as a bird.
Look at you. Slave to your friends, your loyalties, your pride.
I can give you your freedom, though.
I just want one thing.
- Yeah? What do you want? - A spell.
One dark magic spell, boy, and you go free.
Never. I don't do dark magic. I will never help you.
I see.
Seems you're the type that needs persuading.
Deadwood! Get over here, you teak freak!
We've searched the entire camp.
Whoever took Queen Janai didn't leave a single track or trace...
not a hair, not a print, not a mark.
It's like she was taken by a ghost.
Rest, Corvus, you're still hurt.
Janai is strong. She'll survive this.
The traitor!
Grab him!
Ah, don't worry, Bait. I'm okay.
Listen, boy, this ain't that complicated.
You're a dark mage.
All I'm asking for is one spell.
I'm not a dark mage.
You take me for a fool? You stole the wind right out of my sails.
That was primal magic. I don't do dark magic.
- Never? - Never.
You're crying innocent but in your eyes I see guilt.
What have you done that's got you so twisted up inside, huh?
I did one spell. One. I just...
I turned some chains into snakes.
I had to, to save my friends.
Oh, how noble.
Just one spell and you never thought about dark magic again?
Uh, well, I've just... I've read a lot about it.
But not only dark magic, all kinds of magic.
Your kind, too.
I've read about the ocean, and the tides, and how...
Well, maybe in all that reading you found what I'm looking for.
Few years ago, a human took down Avizandum, king of the dragons,
with dark magic.
And I want to know the spell that did it.
- Why? - Simple.
I want to kill the Archdragon of the Ocean...
Domina Profundis.
I am here to offer a trade.
Prince Karim will return Queen Janai in exchange for the sun seed.
He demands that the seed be delivered personally by General Miyana.
No. Absolutely not.
Janai was taken because she was protecting the sun seed.
It is our future.
A future she values more than her own life.
Then the choice is made and the Queen will die.
I'm not going to help you murder the Archdragon of the Ocean.
You know, when you say it like that,
you make me sound like a bloodthirsty fiend.
Oh, I'm sorry, do you have some kind of nice reason for wanting her dead?
Sea Legs had a sister.
She was my loyal pet, my steed,
and my ship for 40 years.
And I loved that crab.
Out in the deep,
she could take sea leviathans and krakens with her own two claws.
Well, Domina didn't like that,
said the deep sea was under her protection.
But that ain't freedom.
And so I challenged her domain and she took everything from me.
She let me live but she told me
if she ever saw me more than a mile offshore she'd drown me.
Me. The fearsome Captain Finnegrin.
Ships turn and flee at the sight of my flag.
Any sailor who docks at Scumport pays their due.
But if I cross the great Domina Profundis,
she'll make flotsam of everything I've built.
So long as she's out there, I'm never truly free.
- Something funny? - Listen to yourself.
You think you want freedom, but you're just trying to control the entire ocean.
You think I want control, do you?
I'll prove you wrong right now.
There's a decision I've been mulling over,
and I'm going to let you make it for me.
What is he doing to you? Let him go!
Control the prisoners, Deadwood, or I'll chop you up to make a new mast.
Sit back down.
Big dumb hunka wood-if-he-could.
Hey! He's actually doing a great job.
I'm very under control.
You all care about justice, right?
Well, one of you stole my glow toads so one of you has to pay.
Now the old-fashioned price for stealing is the thief's hand.
So, boy, which of your friends is losing a hand?
I give you that choice.
No. I won't pick.
Oh, you will, or I'll take a hand from each of 'em.
Take my hand. I'm the one who stole from you.
No, take mine.
I almost lost one before, so suppose I'm due.
I've got the biggest, strongest hands, don't you want one of mine?
- Huh? Huh? - I can get on fine without a hand.
Hooks are in fashion these days.
What is wrong with you people?
You bunch of barnacle brains all want to lose your hands?
I do not understand.
- A hand will take weeks to regrow. - No, buddy.
It'll take way longer than that.
So long as we protect each other, so long as we love each other,
you can never control us.
Charming. Really tugging on my heartstrings.
Think I feel a good cry coming on.
They'll do anything for you, so surely you'll do anything for them, won't you?
Go on.
It's Miyana.
Miyana, I knew you'd come.
I knew you would not...
Oh, stop it, you two.
Let's talk, shall we?
You've done this before.
Turn their chains into snakes
and then you can all overpower me and sail to freedom.
You have all the power and control here.
If you care so much about them, set them free.
Is it such a big deal dirtying yourself with a little dark magic?
Stop! Just take my hand that's all you wanted, isn't it?
Don't do it, Callum. Not again!
Hurts, don't it?
That's your blood freezing in your veins.
Now you see what keeps everyone on my ship in line.
The chains, well, they're really just for show.
You shouldn't have done that.
♪ Woe to the man The dark-eyed sailor ♪
♪ Ship's adrift... ♪
That was quite a display.
All that talk about how love makes you stronger,
but the second you see that elf girl in pain,
you completely lost yourself.
- What are you doing? - Oh, don't worry.
The cage is for his protection.
This way, he lures us a leviathan but doesn't get eaten.
The one getting thrown into the sea serpent's hungry mouth
is your elf girl.
No, no, wait! A dying breath.
Blood filled with hatred. And a unicorn horn.
That's the dark magic you want.
Just... just let her go.
Oh, my poor lad.
That deal was no longer on the table.
Just get this over with. Kill her!
Killing a queen was not part of our agreement.
Release me from my debt to your bloodline, then I will kill whoever you like.
Karim, you fool.
This is a monster you do not want unleashed.
What choice did I have? You pushed me to this, sister.
Kim'dael of the Blood Moon, I release your debt.
Kim'dael of the Blood Moon, I release your debt!
You can't free her, Karim.
That power lies with the crown of Lux Aurea alone.
With me. And I will never set her free.
Kill her!
Then I will be King, and I shall release you.
Then I'll do it.
It's over.
If you kill me, Amaya will kill my brother,
and our bloodline will end.
And the binding around your neck will tighten until you are gone.
Then today you live, true Queen of Lux Aurea.
May our next meeting be more favorable.
Sea leviathan!
Starboard side!
What did you think you could do, boy? I control everyone on this ship.
Do not ask how the ocean's blue...
or why the tides their time do keep.
To love is simply to know this...
The tides are true, as the ocean is deep.
You don't control anything.
But then, you already knew that, didn't you?
Because it's the secret of the ocean itself.
The arcanum.
- Impossible. - You helped me figure it out.
I thought it would be about controlling the tides,
or fighting the currents.
But... it's the opposite.
The ocean arcanum is accepting that there are depths you can't see.
Parts of yourself you can't understand.
And things you can't control.
You know what I'm saying is true because you were born knowing it.
No matter how much you try, you'll never control everything.
And that terrifies you.
Oh, you're wrong, boy. I can control you.
You see after all that,
I win because this worthless lump of timber obeys me no matter what.
You don't have to do what he tells you.
He calls you names and says you're worthless,
but you do everything he says.
- Why? - Because he knows his place.
Doesn't even have blood to freeze, but he'll still do what he's told.
Like this...
Hit the handsome loudmouth.
He deserves dignity!
Oh, if you say so, I can treat him real dignified-like.
There he is, the great Sir Splinters, Lord of the Logs.
Look at him, he's got a face only a carpenter could love.
Soren, stay down.
This is over.
- Why do you keep getting up? - Again!
I know... what this is like.
I know how you feel.
He's cruel... but you don't have to be.
What are you doing? I didn't tell you to stop.
Hit him again.
Do it, you pathetic rotting husk. Do you hear me, Deadwood?
That is not my name.
Unhand me! I own you!
I control you!
You are mine!
Deadwood, put me down! Deadwood!
My name is...
Hmm, I've never been captain of a crustacean before.
But I'm sure we'll be friends.
Berto, set a course to the Sea of the Castout.
Belay that order.
You! Where have you been?
She bargained with Finnegrin for her freedom.
Begone from me decks!
Uh, now hold on.
I had your best interests at heart all along.
Finnegrin let me go
because I told him you were after a treasure,
a treasure at the Sea of the Castout.
And at the speed the Sea Legs has been moving,
I imagine we're just about... there.
I'm just as heroic as the rest of you.
- You left us here. With Finnegrin. - And you beat him.
Just as I knew you would.
We literally didn't.
Elmer beat him.
So... two primal sources?
Now you're just getting greedy, mister mage.
Callum, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay. I am.
I'm glad.
♪ Woe to the man, the dark-eyed sailor ♪
♪ Ship's adrift and the sea's his jailor ♪
♪ Drag him down, drown, drown, drown ♪
♪ Down in the wicked depths below ♪
♪ Woe to the man, the dark-eyed sailor ♪
♪ Ship's adrift and the sea's his jailor ♪
♪ Drag him down, drown, drown, drown ♪
♪ Down in the wicked depths below ♪